IGA Lecture: Prof. Quentin Crowley (Trinity College Dublin)
Dear Members, Prof. Quentin Crowley (Trinity College Dublin) will give a talk to the IGA at 6:30 pm on Wednesday November 19th in the Geological Survey of Ireland (Beggars Bush, Dublin 2) on some new and very exciting research that … Continue reading →
School Seminar: Precious metals, magmas and contamination
Tuesday 24th January, 2012 “Precious metals, magmas and contamination: unravelling the economic geology of the Skaergaard intrusion, east Greenland” Speaker: Dr Dave Holwell (University of Leicester) This is a lunchtime seminar organised by UCD School of Geological Sciences. All are welcome. … Continue reading →
The real story of King Solomon's Mines
A workshop in practical geology IGA FULL DAY WORKSHOP: Saturday, 25th February, 2012 Presenters: John Arthurs, Exploration Consultant VENUE: Room G01, School of Geological Sciences, University College Dublin TIME: 10:00am to 17:00pm REGISTRATION: Numbers are limited, please register at: excursions@geology.ie .
The Geology of Ireland
Definitive and detailed second edition for the serious Geologist. Edited by: Charles H. Holland and Ian S. Sanders PDF Flier: Geology of Ireland, second edition
Mathematics: A Simple Tool for Geology
Mathematics:A Simple Tool for Geology David Waltham Blackwell Publishing ISBN: 0632053453 This book is mainly aimed at those of us who glaze over at the mention of maths.The main purpose is to re-introduce simple mathematics and show how they are … Continue reading →
The Dragon Seekers
The Dragon Seekers Christopher McGowan Abacus Books ISBN: 0349117101 The dramatic story of the beginnings of the science of Paleontology. An in depth and entertaining look at the early characters-Mary Anning, William Buckland, Richard Owen, Gideon Mantell et al … Continue reading →
Understanding Earth Processes, Rocks and the Geological History of Ireland
Geological Survey of Ireland Publication (click here for website) A companion to the new 1:1,000,000 scale Bedrock Geological Map of Ireland (Highly recommended for all Geography Teachers, map & CD included, only 15 euros) Edited by: Andrew Sleeman, Brian McConnell … Continue reading →
IGA AGM and Council Nominations
The IGA AGM will take place in UCD on Wednesday the 25th Jan, 2012. Nominations for council positions need to be submitted on or before 28th Dec 2011.
Tenerife Field Trip, Spring 2013 Enquiries Now Open
Next year the IGA plans to send a delegation of intrepid souls to the Canary Islands for some spring sun and volcanic sands. If you’d like to take part in the trip then please contact the excursions secretary and let … Continue reading →
The Connemara Field Trip
IGA FIELDTRIP CONNEMARA JUNE 2009 Leader: Barry Long (formally Geological Survey of Ireland) Saturday 13th Why do I always start with the weather? Anyway, as predicted, it mainly remained cloudy and but for a few outbreaks of rain was typically … Continue reading →