IGA Lecture: Dr Deirdre Lewis (Technical Director, SLR Consulting)

4 February @ 7:49 PM

November 26 2014 at 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM

Social Licence to Operate: the Challenge for the 21st Century: The Third Leg of the Stool (society = the third leg of the stool!)

This Wednesday, 26th November, continues our season of diverse talks with something a little different. Deirdre Lewis, who works with a geological consultancy firm, will be discussing the what it takes for geological enterprises to actually get to the stage where they can mine/drill/frack [yes, the ‘F’ word is here]. This talk will be of great interest to anyone concerned with practical economic geological activity – something on which we, as a society, all heavily rely – and the many social and environmental issues that must be addressed to carry out such activity. Knowing Deirdre’s interest in the subject, this talk should be very thought-provoking.

The talk will take place on Wednesday 26th November at 6:30 pm in the Geological Survey of Ireland. Tea and biccies will be available from 6:00 pm.

See you there!

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