Irish Geological Association Lecture – Zoom only
15 November @ 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM GMT
Dr Aileen Doran (iCRAG UCD)
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Metals such as zinc, lead and copper are crucial for society, but there are many challenges remaining in how we explore and discover these important deposits. This talk will provide an update on recent geochemistry research across the southern Irish Zn–Pb ore field, introducing two techniques that could help us to identify hidden mineralisation. The two new techniques ar pyrite geochemistry and carbonate isotope analysis, focusing on minerals closely associated with mineralisation. These techniques provide a better understanding of the formation of the impressive Irish Zn–Pb deposits; the results can be used as new pathfinders to find additional Irish mineralisation. Internationally, knowledge taken from the Irish studies can be applied to help search for metals in other settings and other countries.

Aileen finished her PhD on Irish Zn–Pb mineralization in 2021 at University College Dublin (UCD) and is currently back in UCD as a post-doctoral researcher with iCRAG studying Cu–Co deposits of the Zambian Copperbelt. Aileen’s research focusses on understanding sediment and ore formation/alteration; hydrothermal fluid processes, including sources, mixing and modification; and on testing geochemical methods as vectors towards mineralization. Before joining UCD, Aileenmworked at Geological Survey Ireland as a graduate geologist on the Tellus project, after finishing her undergraduate degree in geology at University College Cork in 2015.
Aileen actively promotes geology as an accessible and representative field for all, and she iscurrently Director of the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in Geoscience (EDIG) project, a global virtual initiative.
Date and Time: Wednesday, 15 November 2023, 19:00 pm via Zoom.
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A Zoom link will be sent on the day to those who have registered.