IGA Annual General Meeting
Annual General Meeting of the Irish Geological Association follow by a wine and cheese reception.
Annual General Meeting of the Irish Geological Association follow by a wine and cheese reception.
Roundstone, Co. Galway and Environs Leader: Maria Cullen Three Granites, Two Beaches, One Island and Lots of Life! This weekend excursion (2 days of the long bank-holiday weekend), we will explore three distinct Caledonian Granites (c. 400Ma) of the Bertraghboy … Continue reading
In this field trip we’ll examine the geology and structure of Howth Head.We'll see how the Howth Fault juxtaposes Carboniferous limestone andCambrian clastic sequences, which have very distinctive geologicalhistories and structures. The outcrops visited provide nice examples offractures, veins, minor … Continue reading
Following the success of last year’s IGA visit to the Annual Exhibition of the Royal Hibernian Academy (RHA), Ely Place, Dublin, Bill Sheppard will again lead you through the Exhibition this year. This is a great opportunity to review the … Continue reading