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Modern Advancements in Volcano Monitoring

Museum Building, Trinity College Dublin

Claire Harnet (UCD) and Mike Stock (TCD) are organising a special evening seminar for the 60th Anniversary of the Volcanic and Magmatic Studies Group, a special interest group of The Geological Society. This will be held in Trinity on Wednesday … Continue reading

The Changing Roles of Long-lived Faults in MountainBelts: Examples from the Variscides of Southern Ireland

Once initiated and developed, faults tend to have prolongedactivation histories that highly influence tectonic deformation, fluid flow, andassociated mineralisation in the brittle upper crust. The fault systems associated with Devonian/Carboniferous crustal extension and subsequent Variscan crustal shortening from southern Ireland … Continue reading

IGA Annual General Meeting

Annual General Meeting of the Irish Geological Association follow by a wine and cheese reception.

IGA Whit Weekend Excursion

Roundstone, Co. Galway and Environs Leader: Maria Cullen Three Granites, Two Beaches, One Island and Lots of Life! This weekend excursion (2 days of the long bank-holiday weekend), we will explore three distinct Caledonian Granites (c. 400Ma) of the Bertraghboy … Continue reading