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IGA Lecture: Peadar McArdle – Enrich your Landscape Experience by Mixing Poetry with Geology! – 17/02/2016

17 February, 2016 @ 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM GMT

Abstract: The poet Yeats hoped we would find excitement in our local landscape – and he meant our emotional response to it just as much as its physical shape and nature.  The geologist may deeply understand the basis of the latter, but it is the poet who opens our minds to the wider possibilities of landscape.  In speaking with this geologically-informed audience, Peadar will emphasise the poet’s viewpoint and his talk will be based on his recent book,* available from the Geological Survey of Ireland, many bookshops and www.theliffeypress.com

Biography:  Peadar graduated from University College Dublin.  He is a professional geologist who spent much of his career exploring Ireland’s landscapes.  He was formerly Director of the Geological Survey of Ireland.

Details:  Talk from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm at the Geological Survey of Ireland (Beggars Bush, Dublin 4) on Wednesday 17th February 2016, with refreshments from 5:30 pm.

*Peadar McArdle  (2015)  The Irish Landscape:  An all-Ireland exploration through science and literature.  Dublin:  The Liffey Press.  352 pages.


17 February, 2016
5:30 PM - 7:30 PM GMT
Event Category:


IGA Council Members