MINE LANDS with Artist Judy Carrol Deeley

©Artist Judy Carroll Deeley
©Artist Judy Carroll Deeley

IGA – GEOLOGY IN ART on 22nd March 2025 at 12.00 mid-day.

Exhibition/Excursion: MINE LANDS with Artist Judy Carrol Deeley followed by an Excursion to the Summit of Bray Head, Co. Wicklow

Venue: Mermaid Art Gallery, Bray Co. Wicklow and an Excursion to Bray Head

IGA Leader:  Dr. Bill Sheppard

The IGA is delighted to have been cordially invited by the Mermaid Art Gallery and by artist Judy Carroll Deeley to visit the Mine Lands Exhibition and to enjoy and discuss Judy’s art works focussed on the mine areas of Glendasan and Glendalough.  In addition to these areas Judy has exhibited, or will soon, exhibit works based on visits to mine areas in South Africa, East Europe and Tynagh in Ireland.  Judy will join us and discuss her works and inspirations. Bill Sheppard will discuss landscape as perceived by Geologists in particular in the East Wicklow area.  Interesting geologist-artist interactions are assured.

MEETING POINT: The foyer of the Mermaid Art Centre Gallery, Main Street, Bray, Co. Wicklow A98 N5P1 

There is free car parking in the Centre.


CONTACT: Bill Sheppard

Email: billsheppard.liamin@gmail.com 

Mobile Number 087 212 6677

Please book with Bill at the earliest convenience if you intend to attend this Bray event, so that the Gallery can be informed of the numbers expected

Biography: Artist Judy Carroll Deeley graduated from NCAD in 2008.  In 2021 and 2022 she received Irish Arts Council Awards to continue her research into the effects on the environment of human commercial activities. From 2022 to 2024 she collaborated with the UCD Humanities Institute for their international study ‘Post-Extractivist Legacies and Landscapes’.  Influences seen the works exhibited include recollections from Judy’s childhood experiences during visits to the of Glendalough and Glendasan areas

NOTE: Refer to: www.judycarrolldeeley.com

Refer to www.mermaidartsentre.ie/whats-on/exhibitions

Following the exhibition there will be an opportunity to continue discussion on a walk to the summit of Bray Head  A notice of a field trip to the Glendasan and Glendalough mine areas with Judy Carrol Deeley, Martin Critchley and Sharron Schwartz in April will be circulated in the near future.

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