IGA FIELD EXCURSION Saturday/Sunday, 18th/19th September, 2010

Leader: Prof. George Sevastopulo (TCD)

We will visit Booley Bay (distal turbidites with beautiful sole structures and enigmatic trace fossils), and afterwards see Old Red Sandstone with spectacular large burrows and millstones at Lumsdins Bay. Later we will examine the wonderfully preserved Carboniferous fossils and environments around Hook Head.

NOTE: Please email Dan O’Shea at: if you are attending

We suggest that people bring sandwiches for Saturday lunchtime. We can eat in the light house cafe on Sunday. A limited number of copies of the Geology of Leinster will be available for purchase at 5 euro.

MEETING POINT: Hook Head Lighthouse car park, (right at the end of the Hook)

TIME: Morning 10.00am Saturday

SATURDAY MEAL: Stanville Lodge Hotel, €19 per head, please email Dan O’Shea at:    to reserve


Stanville Lodge Hotel http://www.stanville.ie/ €55 a night B+B IGA rate

Herrylock B&B t: +353-(0)51-397029 / 087-6489107 Three miles north of the Hook Lighthouse heritage centre, Rates: From €35 to €40 pps. Single occupancy €50

Marsh Mere Lodge http://www.marshmerelodge.com/map.html €50 Ballyhack, Arthurstown

Carraig House B&B . Rates: From €30 pps. €35 single t: 051 561101 e: Prop: Nicola & Nicholas Howlin Carraig House B&B, Carrig-on-Bannow, Wellingtonbridge

If you are intending to come on this trip, please email Dan O’Shea at:

Participation is entirely at your oun risk

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