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ACADEMIC POSTER MAKING WORKSHOP – 16th February 2019, Red Cow Moran Hotel.

16 February, 2019 @ 9:30 AM - 5:00 PM GMT


The IGA invites you to an ACADEMIC POSTER MAKING WORKSHOP, at the RED COW, Saturday, 16 FEBRUARY 2019, all day from 09:30hrs. Fee €100.

KEY WORDS – IGA, Irish Geological Association, IGRM, Irish Geological Research Meeting, Geology, Academic Poster Making, Graphic Design, Tuition, Workshop

WHO:         The IRISH GEOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION invites students to:


THAT IS: a print & design seminar & academic poster digital proof working day

WHEN: on 16 FEB 2019, 10:00hrs to 17:00hrs, a Saturday, in advance of IGRM62. Please arrive in good time. Registration from 09:30hrs.

WHERE:     Hereford Suite, RED COW Moran Hotel, situated by the LUAS red line and Naas Road (M7), Clondalkin, Dublin.

WHY:          to develop digital content and designs to improve the visual aesthetics of your own PowerPoint conference poster presentation.

FOR: members of the Irish Geological Association and especially for geology students, graduates, post-docs, professionals in GSI, TCD, UCD, DIAS and delegates intending to make poster presentations at the forthcoming 62nd Irish Geological Research Meeting. https://www.ucd.ie/earthsciences/igrm2019/

AN EVENT:        ’Turbocharge your geology poster’

WITH:                  a leading Irish professional Graphic Designer

TUTOR:               Jesse Morris of Dezynamite Print & Web

BIOGRAPHY:        Jesse holds two Degrees (BA in Design Communications and BA (Hons) in Design Multimedia Studies) and owns/runs a multi award-winning design and print company based in the Irish Midlands. His two great passions are his love of design and love of acting and having been successful in both worlds.

PORTFOLIO:      https://www.dezynamite.com/portfolio/posters/

IGA ORGANISER:       Howard Fox, Irish Geological Association excursions secretary

BOOKINGS:        Max: 15 places. First come first served, via e-mail booking time stamp. Open 25 JAN 2018 to 11 FEB 2019, or until full. Expression of interest by e-mail please to howardfox41@gmail.ie or maria@geology.ie by Monday 11 FEB 2019 please. Prompt fee payment to IGA confirms booking.

FEE: €100

HOW TO GET THERE: public transport via LUAS stop RED COW red line, private cars to Naas Road near M7/M50 interchange.


  1. Your own laptop with wifi internet (free at the venue) and PowerPoint
  2. Geology poster proof – work in progress – as of your laptop 16 FEB 2019


Full tuition day with IGA and Dezynamite to optimise your poster design.

Access to RED COW a/v room & tutor from https://www.dezynamite.com/

A seminar on graphic design & software tips in the morning session.

Scheduled 1-to-1 review of proof (10-15 mins designer attention) in afternoon.

RE-RUN:    There is potential for the IGA committee to run a second academic poster making workshop on 23 February 2019 at same venue. Expressions of interest, please on the e-mail to howardfox41@gmail.com or maria@geology.ie


16 February, 2019
9:30 AM - 5:00 PM GMT
Event Category:
