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IGA Lecture – 3rd February 7 pm Dr. Robin Edwards (TCD) on “Using Saltmarshes as Geological Tide Gauges to Understand Common Era Sea-Level Change”
3 February, 2021 @ 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM GMT
We are delighted to announce our next lecture on Wednesday 3rd February at 7pm by Dr. Robin Edwards (TCD) on:
“Using Saltmarshes as Geological Tide Gauges to Understand Common Era Sea-Level Change”
Abstract: Global mean sea levels are rising faster today than at any point in the last 3,000 years. But local rates of relative sea-level change are quite variable, causing variations in local coastal responses. Saltmarshes are particularly sensitive indicators of sea-level change: the vertical distributions of their intertidal communities are intimately linked to tidal elevation. I will outline the use of saltmarshes as geological tide gauges, identify the patterns of Common Era sea-level change along the eastern coast of North America, and discuss what these patterns may tell us about the drivers of coastal change closer to home in the North Atlantic region.
Biography: Robin Edwards is Associate Professor in Earth Sciences at Trinity College Dublin. He graduated with a degree in Oceanography from Southampton (UK) before completing a PhD at Durham (UK) on reconstructing late Holocene sea level change. After a postdoc at the Free University of Amsterdam (The Netherlands), he returned to Durham as a lecturer before moving to Trinity in 2002 where he is now the course director of the undergraduate science programme in Geography and Geoscience. Robin specialises in reconstructing past sea levels by using salt marsh sediments and is currently co-Principal Investigator on the so-called “A4 Project” of Oceans, Climate and Atlantic Change, which is funded by Ireland’s Marine Institute and the European Regional Development Fund.
All are welcome! Feel free to share this flyer with your friends and family!
Just make sure to register by e-mailing irishgeologicalassociation@gmail.com by February 3rd at 1pm. A Zoom link will be send to you on the day.