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Field trip: Achill Island and the Mullet Peninsula, Co. Mayo – 6th to 8th September 2019 – led by Prof. David Chew (TCD)

6 September, 2019 - 9 September, 2019

Where: Achill Island and the Mullet Peninsula, Co. Mayo

When: 6th-8th September, 2019

Who: Assoc. Prof. David Chew (TCD); www.tcd.ie/Geology/geople/chewd/index.php

What: The lengthy, intriguing and calamitous story of the geology of northwest Mayo.

How: Car pooling – if you can offer spaces in your vehicle, or if you need assistance in getting to Achill, please let us know by emailing howardfox41@gmail.com or maria@geology.ie or by calling 087 3644645

Public transport to Dooagh, Achill is by Bus Éireann via Route 440 from Westport where there is a train station.

Places to stay:


The Bervie (098) 43114  www.bervieachill.com

Cliff House Achill (098) 43400  www.achillcliff.com

Hostel/Self catering:

Achill Island Field School (098) 6772045  info@achill-fieldschool.com

Many thanks to Camille Souter, Achill, who inspired this excursion!

Please confirm attendance to howardfox41@gmail.com or maria@geology.ie or by calling 087 3644645.

Feature Picture Credit: caravancruise.ie

Map Credit: David Chew


Geological References:

Kennedy, M.J., 1969. The structure and stratigraphy of the Dalradian rocks of north Achill Island, Co. Mayo, Ireland. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society, 125, 47-80

Kennedy, M.J., 1969. The metamorphic history of North Achill Island, Co. Mayo and the problem of the origin of Albite Schists. Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, Section B, v. 67, pp. 261-280

Harris, David H.M., 1992. PhD Thesis “The Structure, Metamorphism and Stratigraphy of Achill Island, Co. Mayo, Ireland, University of Keele, UK

Chew, D.M., 2003. Structural and stratigraphic relationships across the continuation of the Highland Boundary Fault in Western Ireland. Geological Magazine 140 (1), pp. 73-85

Chew, D.M., 2005. 1:2,500 Geological Map of South Achill Island and Achill Beg, Western Ireland. Journal of Maps 1 (1), pp. 18-29


Other References:

De Valéra, R. & Ó Nualláin, S. 1950. The Megalithic Tombs of the Island of Achill. The Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, 80 (2), pp. 199-227

Beaumont, Jonathan 2002. Rails to Achill: A West of Ireland Branch Line. The Oakwood Press, Usk

Beaumont, Jonathan 2005. Achillbeg – the life of an Island. The Oakwood Press, Usk

McDonald, T & Rathbone, S., 2009. Achill Island: Irish Archaeology from the Neolithic to the Great Famine. Current Archaeology 235

McDonald, Theresa 2016. A Guide to Archaeological and Historical Sites on Achill, Achillbeg and the Corraun Peninsula. I.A.S. Publications, Tullamore


6 September, 2019
9 September, 2019
Event Category: