- This event has passed.
Exhibition: 2 August – 24 August, Devonian Plant Fossils: a window into the past.
2 August, 2018 - 25 August, 2018
An exhibition at the National Botanic Gardens in Glasnevin, Dublin will run from the 2nd August to the 24th August, featuring plant fossils and other groups from Kiltorcan in Co. Kilkenny. Daily in the Gallery Space, Education and Visitor Centre, National Botanic Gardens, Glasnevin D09 VY63, Dublin
This exhibition is a joint effort of the National Museum of Ireland, National Botanic Gardens and Geological Survey Ireland, and will also be available to delegates to the European Palaeobotanical and Palynological Conference in UCD in August [http://eppc2018.ie/].
The exhibition will be invigilated and Matthew Parkes is looking for potential volunteers to do a stint. This will involve being available to answer questions from visitors, generally being enthusiastic about fossils and geology, give out promotional flyers whilst generally keeping an eye on the exhibition. Matthew Parkes will be creating a doodle poll for a rota, so if you are interested in helping out with this please email mparkes@museum.ie and CC matthewparkes@eircom.net to be sent the poll closer to the time. Anybody volunteering will be given any required support and instruction.