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IGA Lecture – 16th March, 7pm – “The Geoheritage of the Sliabh Liag Peninsula (County Donegal)” By Dr. Sadhbh Baxter (NUIG)

16 March, 2022 @ 7:00 PM 8:00 PM GMT


Sadhbh Baxter is a lecturer in Earth and Ocean Sciences in NUI Galway where she teaches optical microscopy and igneous and metamorphic petrology. She also runs the Diploma in Earth and Ocean Sciences, which covers a much broader range of topics in the geosciences. This has given her a taste for learning about all the geology of an area and being able to show non-geologists the wonders of geology through field trips and workshops. While reasonably familiar with the geology of Connemara, and the Carlingford Lough area, it was only a chance phone call in late 2020 that brought her up to Sliabh Liag and the wonderful geology and landscapes that are to be seen there. 

Abstract: In 2020, the Sliabh Liag Peninsula was awarded a Geological Survey Ireland Geoheritage grant to develop a summer school (‘Our Heritage in Rock’), map, and website, all of which would explore the geological heritage of the region. The scenery and geology of the area is spectacular, ranging from Dalradian-age diamictites through to Quaternary cliffs – with the central point of many people’s visit to the area being the Sliabh Liag cliffs themselves. This presentation will explore the area’s geology and, hopefully, will encourage some of you unfamiliar with the area to go off the beaten track and see it for yourselves – perhaps even at the 2022 Summer School in July!

Date and Time: Wednesday, 16 March 2022, between 19:00 pm and 20:00 via Zoom.
To Register: send an e-mail to info@geology.ie
A Zoom link will be sent on the day to those who have registered.