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IGA Lecture – Aodhán O’Gogáin (NUIG, iCRAG) – The Jarrow Amphibians and Ireland’s Carboniferous Coal Swamp Ecosystem
29 June, 2022 @ 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM IST
Please note DATE CHANGE.
Aodhan O’Gogain (NUIG, iCRAG) will be talking about The Jarrow Amphibians and Ireland’s Carboniferous Coal Swamp Ecosystem.
The Jarrow fossil assemblage in County Kilkenny preserves, in coal and shale, a rare and diverse fauna of Carboniferous amphibians and fish. At Jarrow we get a rare glimpse of the Carboniferous world, particularly the lush equatorial rainforest swamps, which were teeming with fish and the first backboned animals that ventured onto land. However, despite its significance, this fossil site it is poorly known, likely a result of the poor appearance of the fossils themselves in which bone has been altered and coalified.
This talk will cover three aspects. First, we will look at the different animals that populated the estuaries, rivers and swamps of Carboniferous Kilkenny and that are now preserved at Jarrow. Amphibians from Jarrow will be visualised using a combination of micro-computed tomography and 3D visualisation to investigate their taxonomy and highlight their importance to our understanding of early amphibian evolution and ecology. Second, we will look at the palaeoecology of these animals and the palaeoenvironment in which they lived. Third, we will investigate the unique way in which these animals were preserved and what caused the alteration seen in preserved bone.
Aodhán O’Gogáin – Biography:

- B.A. in Geology from Trinity College Dublin
- MSc in Palaeobiology from the University of Bristol
- PhD. in Palaeontology from Trinity College Dublin. Thesis title: Application of micro-computed tomography towards a taxonomic and palaeobiological reassessment of Huxley and Wright’s (1867) tetrapods from the Jarrow Assemblage (Langsettian, Pennsylvanian), Co. Kilkenny, Ireland.
- Postdoctoral Researcher at NUI Galway working on Carboniferous fish and tetrapod material.
- Research Assistant at NUI Galway doing conodont biostratigraphy. Part of the iCRAG team.
- Also worked on the relocation team for the Geological Survey of Ireland and was in charge of rehousing the Geological Survey Ireland fossil collection.
- Research Interests: Early tetrapod evolution and ecology, Carboniferous fish palaeoecology, micro-computed tomography, coal sedimentology, fossil conservation and Irish palaeontology.
To Register: use the registration form here (if you have any issue completing the form, please e-mail info@geology.ie).