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IGA EGM and Reminiscences from our Volcanoes of Italy Expedition 6.30pm Wed 24th January, 2018

24 January, 2018 @ 5:30 PM - 8:00 PM GMT

The IGA Committee would like to give notice of an EGM to take place at 6.30pm on Wednesday 24th of January at the Lecture Theatre, Geological Survey of Ireland, Beggars Bush, Haddington Road, Dublin.  Reason for EGM detailed at the bottom of this notice.  This is to be followed by an account of our exciting IGA expedition to volcanoes and islands of Italy – Vulcano, Stromboli, Lipari and Etna – last Summer.

“Hey, Mambo, Vulcano Italiano!  

Reminiscences of Summer days among the Aeolian Islands, IGA Excursion June 2017

Calling all IGA volcanologists, those who went on our Excursion to Lipari, Vulcano, Salina, Stromboli and Etna and those who would like to have gone, or even those who went later in the year!

It’s time to get things started… on the most sensational, celebrational, inspirational… fantastical account of our overseas excursion last June.

It’s time to get out the slide show pics, the sulphur, the maps, the notes and bring them along! Time to share with other IGA members what we were lucky enough to experience these volcanoes (but maybe not to smell Vulcano in particular!).

Please join us for a celebration of caldera, lava and fumarolic activity.”

Wednesday, 24th January, 6.30pm to 7.30pm, with refreshments and displays from 5.30pm.


Our EGM will be held immediately before the Vulcano Italiano Experience.

Reason for our EGM:

For some years it has been difficult to have accounts prepared and audited in time for our AGMs so soon after the end of year. In our IGA Constitution, an AGM must be held before the end of January. Our proposal is that we alter the Constitution slightly to give the IGA Treasurer and our Auditor adequate time to prepare and audit our accounts for presentation to the AGM.

The following is the proposed change to wording of our IGA Constitution (changes in italics):
   “The Annual General Meeting shall be held at the earliest opportunity ineach calendar year, but no later than 30 April in that year, and the Annual Reports of the IGA Council shall be presented at that meeting.”
FYI: The Relevant portions of IGA Constitution
(as posted on the IGA Website):
The Annual General meeting shall be held during the month of January, when the Annual Report of the council shall be presented. The accounts of the Association shall be made up to the 31st of December in each year and shall be examined by an independent qualified accountant, who shall be appointed annually by members of the association at the previous Annual General Meeting. The annual accounts shall be submitted to the Annual General Meeting.
A minimum of 2 weeks notice is required according to our Constitution.

No amendment of this constitution shall be made except by a two-thirds majority vote of those present and voting at an Annual or Extraordinary General Meeting of the Association.


24 January, 2018
5:30 PM - 8:00 PM GMT


IGA Council Members