IGA MEETING Wednesday, 8th December, 2010

VENUE: Room G01, UCD School of Geological Sciences, Belfield, Dublin 4.

TIME: 8.00pm , tea/coffee from 7.30pm

Members night is an informal social get-together for the IGA membership. We will reminisce with short visual presentations on this years field-trips. There will be cheese, wine and light refreshments available and a couple of short, informal talks including a short presentation from the IGA President, Peter Lewis. Members are encouraged to bring along geological exhibits, such as unusual rocks, fossils and/or minerals perhaps to entice others or simply to have them identified. Posters, photographs, maps, books or other items of interest for display are welcome. Anyone interested in giving short a presentation should contact a member of the committee before Tuesday 7th to provide details. We do hope you can join us.

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